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- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // StoreBGI: Now that image is showing, let's store it to file. If image
- // is larger than 64K, then it is broken up into 5 chunks
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <alloc.h>
- #include <graphics.h>
- #include "bgi.h"
- void StoreBGI (FILE *F, int Width, int Height, char far *VidBuf[5])
- {
- int i, yend, yincr, ystart=0; // bookkeeping vars
- unsigned size;
- size = imagesize(0, 0, Width, Height); // How big are we talking?
- // If image is less than 64K,
- // prev. function changes 'size'
- // to 0 if image > 64K-1
- if (size != NULLIMAGESIZE)
- { // Alloc space for image
- VidBuf[0] = (char far *) farmalloc((unsigned long) Width * Height);
- // read image from screen
- getimage(0, 0, Width, Height, VidBuf[0]);
- // then write it out to file
- fwrite(VidBuf[0], sizeof(char), size, F);
- farfree(VidBuf[0]); // And free up memory
- }
- else // image is 64k+, so chunk
- { // it into fifths
- yincr = (Height+1) / 5;
- yend = yincr;
- size = imagesize(0, ystart, Width, yend);
- for (i=0; i < 5; i++)
- { // Alloc memory
- if ((VidBuf[i] = (char far *) farmalloc((unsigned)size)) == NULL)
- {
- closegraph(); // Oops, not enough memory
- printf("StoreBGI> out of memory. %lu bytes requested\n\n", size);
- exit(1);
- }
- // read in chunk from screen
- getimage(0, ystart, Width, yend, VidBuf[i]);
- // and write chunk to file
- fwrite(VidBuf[i], sizeof(char), size, F);
- farfree(VidBuf[i]); // then freeing up memory
- ystart = yend + 1; // advance boundaries of
- yend += yincr + 1; // next chunk
- }
- }
- }